“Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.” William Jennings Bryan

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

Monday was an interesting day…just one of those days…and I had my camera along with me.


There is a saying about goats and fencing that goes “if the fence can’t hold water, it can’t hold a goat.” Ellen set out to prove that to me a day ago. She pushed herself under the back pasture fencing and into my garden. No big deal I thought; I would just fix the fence and be done with it. I re-stretched and re-stapled the fence to the posts so that it wouldn’t bow out at the bottom, assuming that would stop her from squeezing underneath to her new found “freedom”, or at least to the garden and the garden goodies. Needless to say, my repairs didn’t hold water…er, I mean Ellen. After I was finished, I put the goats back out in the back pasture and got busy doing something else. The next time I looked up I could only see three goats in the back pasture – Frances, Irene, and Mary. I looked over into the garden and there was Ellen, happily nibbling away at the strawberries! I was so impressed that she had found her way out again that I let her nibble her prize for a bit longer before going in and getting her. So now it’s back to the drawing board for me - how to design a fence that can hold water.


While I was watching Ellen nibbling away at the strawberry patch, I turned back to look at the other goats and Frances began playing hide and seek with me. She was literally trying to hide herself behind the old standpipe in the back pasture, and peek round it to see if I could see her. I know you don’t believe me, but to be honest, goats do these kinds of things. They can be pretty playful and pretty funny. Get a few of your own and see for yourself! You’ll realize pretty fast that I am not making this up.


Later on I inadvertently left Paddie Pant’s (Patrick) stall door unlatched. When he came in from the paddock he gave the sliding door a nudge and it slid open much to his delight. At the time, I was slowly making my way back to the stable, struggling through the thick mud in the paddock and so I had no chance of getting to him fast enough to catch him. I watched him though the stable windows as he trotted down the midway and out the back stable door that opens to the back field. Once outside the door, he made a quick left and shimmied himself through the walk -in door to the chicken coop. The gals who were inside roosting were caught unawares and began scattering out, clucking loudly with their wings flapping wildly. Pat calmly and happily began eating whatever chicken feed he could find. So, now I had an 1100 lb horse in the chicken coop to deal with The thing is, Paddie Pants is way too big for the door and the chicken coop – and it’s a pain to squeeze him out of there. But with a little patience I did.  He had had his fun, and seemed all proud of himself and content with his little adventure.

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