I have been doing my best these last six months or so to get
some half decent shots of our horse’s eyes to do a photo series. I don’t think
that I have yet to, or ever will, capture what I think will be a photograph
that shows all the meaning I see in a horse’s eye. I think it is only possible
to come close, but never close enough.
I think there is
something special about a horse’s eye that sets it apart from any other animal.
To me, a horse’s eye shows a deepness, a spiritual wisdom, and when calm, an indescribable
peacefulness. It is mystic…a horse’s eye can draw you into the horse’s being and
outside of your own…
I included a shot of Lou’s orbit … he may have lost the eye,
but within the recess and the surrounding rim there is still so much expression.
It seems that he can still sense the world from that side as if it were seeable.
The skin wrinkles with excitement, curiosity and happiness, and relaxes when
the world is still and he is contented. It is still his eye…just a different
form and just as reactive.
This series will always be a work in progress, so please
don’t judge it as an end…I am going to keep trying!