Sex in the hoop house hasn’t been so great. I thought it
would be, and I thought it would be really fun, but that’s just another one of
those fantasies that come true in friends drunken stories and in books and magazines but not so much
in real life, or especially at least in my real life. It’s been so bad I had to ask for
advice, search the internet, and do some experimenting. Its embarrassing for
someone like me who usually takes it for granted, but at times, not everything
goes as easily as planned, and at my age, it gets a bit frustrating.
The problem is getting the pollen to the stigma. The
eggplant and the tomatoes just don’t get it, or just can’t get it right.
Although the plants are huge and full of flowers, there hasn’t been any
developing fruit.
Tomatoes and eggplants don’t necessarily need bees to
pollinate them. They don't need a match maker. They are considered self pollinating since each flower has both
male and female parts; pollen doesn’t have to be carried from a male flower to
a female flower. Mostly they rely on air and a little wind, and insects and bees
to a lesser extent. Last year when I did my first hoop house tomatoes there
wasn’t any problem at all- I set up a fan to keep a breeze on them that gently swayed
the flowers back and forth enough to dislodge the pollen from the anthers so it
would land on the stigma for the trip to the ovaries, and I was happy with the
amount of tomatoes I harvested, but this
summer, the fan isn’t doing the trick at all.

Stacy gave me some advice – she told me to try a brush and
to pollinate the flowers myself – going to each flower and brush the pollen from
the anthers to the stigma. I would be an artificial wind and/ or artificial bee (lets forget I have
100,000 or so honey bees hived a few hundred yards away that could do this
for me through all the vented openings) ….so I found a soft makeup brush in my
daughter's leftover things (when kids leave the nest they leave you with all
sorts of stuff that looks like junk until you need it, then its sorta not like junk anymore) and I began the process of brushing each eggplant flower. All
of them. And every day. Or at least every day that I could and can, just adding another
hour job to my day!
It seems to be working a little bit as I do have a few pregnant eggplants, although there are not as many as there probably would be if the plants were outside, according to my past experiences. Sex out doors is definitely better!
Brushes don’t necessarily work for tomatoes because of their
flower structure. The flower needs to be
shaken either by hand or, as I was
doing last year, aiming a breeze from a fan at them. I have repositioned two
fans so that they blow more directly on the flowers and I shake the plants and
the individual flowers as many times a day as I can. But so far nothing much
has happened – one tomato for seven plants. Outside in the garden, the
tomatoes, though not as healthy or as tall, have quite a few more fruit. Again, outdoors seems key.
It’s interesting though because I also have pepper plants in
the hoop house which are also self pollinating and with no help from me, are
producing a good amount of peppers. So why just them? I don’t have an answer. They aren't inhibited and like sex anywhere?
I did read that temperature and humidity are the keys to
germination. At high temperatures, tomatoes, etc don’t release pollen. With
high humidity, the pollen sticks to the anther and can’t be released. This environment
has happened in the hoop house often this summer and I am thinking that maybe I
need more ventilation than what I already have. Or maybe after the apex of
summer weather passes, these environmental conditions may get more favorable.
Or maybe I don't have the music right to get these flowers in the mood and need to change to another Pandora channel - I hope to God it isn't country music that get's em turned on cause I wont do it. They will just have to like Aexi Murdoch and Zero 7 for now.
I think though, the real challenge to all this hoop house libido is to make the inside more like the outside while keeping it inside. I am confused too.
Its all relative. In the hoop house there are no huge insect
populations, nor is there fungus or blights. I can control watering, etc so
these plants are the healthiest things I have ever grown, while outside the
same plants are weaker and are already showing signs of blight and insect
damage and overall are not as healthy. They do have fruit though, but I don’t
know for how much longer or how good they will be with all the rain and heat we
have been having. Its a trade off now, but in the long run I think the hoop house will still be the better way to get a perfect harvest.
I think that I will eventually get this hoop house sex thing
figured out. I think that in time, all the work and the frustration will reward
me. And if not, well, it has been fun trying. Like some therapists say, “you don’t
necessarily have to be good at it to enjoy it”. That's the way I feel about
farming too.